- BlockChain Fundamentals
- Evaluation
- Centralized VS Decentralized Networks
- What is Blockchain?
- Key Technologies behind Block Chain
- Identity: Cryptography
- Public Keys and Algorithms
- Hashing and Algorithms
- Digital Signatures
- Peer-to-peer Network
- Nodes
- Mining
- Consensus: The Driving Force of Block Chains
- Consensus Approaches
- Proof-of-Work
- Proof-of-Stake
- Bitcoin: First BlockChain Application
- Transactions and its Mechanics
- Transaction Model
- Transaction Scripts
- Transaction Types
- Transaction Digital Signatures
- Wallets and Types
- Merkel Tree
- Validation
- Bitcoin Protocol: PoW,Doublespending,DoS
- Mining and How it Works
- Distributed Ledger
- Bitcoin Scripting Language
- Script Programming and CLI
- Alt Coins and Tokens
- Lab: Scripting
- BlockChain 2.0 Ethereum
- What is Ethereum?
- How Ethereum started?
- Ethereum Fundamentals
- Accounts
- Transactions
- Messages
- Smart Contracts
- Lab: Coding First Smart Contract
- Ethereum Virtual Function
- Why EVM
- State Transaction Function
- Native Currency / Asset: Ether
- Gas and Fee
- Turing Complete
- How it works
- Lab: Compile and Deploy Smart Contract
- Bitcoin VS Ethereum
- Ethereum Applications
- Platform for Decentralized Apps
- What is Decentralized App(DApps)
- Why Decentralized Apps(DApps)
- Compare DApps with Web Apps
- Lab: Dapps Sample Applications
- Solidity Programming
- Solidity Environment
- Programming Fundamentals
- Data Structures
- Lab: Solidity IDE
- Building Smart Contracts
- DAOs: Code is Law in Internet Court!
- Applications of Ethereum
- POC: Build your own ICO on Blockchain Platform
- Smart Contracts: Autonomous Agents
- What makes a contract “smart”?
- Smart Contracts Design Approach
- Types of Smart Contracts
- Smart Contracts Architecture
- Role of code in smart contract
- Solidity Deep Dive
- Dive in to code optimization-what is it??
- Testing and Debugging Options
- Memory Management
- Security Issues and How to handle them
- Lab: Solidity Smart Contracts
- Smart Contract Libraries
- Tokens
- ERC20 Standard
- POC: Creating your Own Currency
- Best Practices
- Lessons Learnt
- Smart Contracts: Framework and Toolset
- Truffle – Development Framework for Ethereum
- TestRPC
- Ganache CLI
- Metamask
- Lab: Online Smart Contracts
- Testing and Web3 Provider
- Web3.js-The Ethereum API
- Smart Contracts Testing Networks
- Unit Testing
- Integration Testing
- Truffle Solidity Tests
- Truffle Mocha Tests
- Additional Tools
- Best Practices
- Web1.0 and 2.0 Sofar,and Web 3.0 Now
- Web3.0 – What is Decentralized Apps
- Difference between Centralized,Decentralized and Distributed Applications
- Decentralized Data Storage Options
- Advantages and Disadvantages
- Data Structures,Algorithms and Protocols used by Dapps
- Distributed Storage Systems
- Swarm
- Storj
- Decentralized Communication
- Whisper
- Additional Tools
- Google Go(Geth)
- Mist
- Parity
- Test Nets
- Public VS Private
- Lab: Start your Private BlockChain
- Web 3.0-IPFS
- IPFS Fundamentals
- IPFS + Blockchains
- Blockchain Storage
- Lab: Quick Demo on IPFS
- Lab Build Your First Decentralized Application
- Setup Environment
- Develop First Dapp
- Getting to Know Hyperledger Projects:Dreams of Hyper Future
- How Hyperledger is different from Blockchains
- Architectural overview
- Hyperledger Projects
- Hyperledger Frameworks
- Hyperledger Tools
- Hyperledger Fabric
- What is Hyperledger Fabric
- Hyperledger Fabric Key Components
- Certification Authority
- Peers
- Membership Services
- Channels
- Chaincode
- How it works
- Lab: Quick Demo on Fabric
- Getting Your Hands on Hyperledger
- Hyperledger Composer
- Modeling Language
- Playground
- IBM Blockchain Introduction
- IBM Blockchain Fundametals
- Developer Toolset
- Playground
- Hands on IBM Blockchain
- Setup the environment
- Build first application
- Develop Blockchain Projects and Dapps
- Develop your Own Wallet App
- Develop Gaming Incentive App
- Develop Online Betting App
- Develop Enterprise Secure Smart Contracts
- Additional Resources for Developers
- BlockChain Fundamentals
- Evaluation
- Centralized VS Decentralized Networks
- What is Blockchain?
- Key Technologies behind Block Chain
- Identity: Cryptography
- Public Keys and Algorithms
- Hashing and Algorithms
- Digital Signatures
- Peer-to-peer Network
- Nodes
- Mining
- Consensus: The Driving Force of Block Chains
- Consensus Approaches
- Proof-of-Work
- Proof-of-Stake
- Bitcoin: First BlockChain Application
- Transactions and its Mechanics
- Transaction Model
- Transaction Scripts
- Transaction Types
- Transaction Digital Signatures
- Wallets and Types
- Merkel Tree
- Validation
- Bitcoin Protocol: PoW,Doublespending,DoS
- Mining and How it Works
- Distributed Ledger
- Bitcoin Scripting Language
- Script Programming and CLI
- Alt Coins and Tokens
- Lab: Scripting
- BlockChain 2.0 Ethereum
- What is Ethereum?
- How Ethereum started?
- Ethereum Fundamentals
- Accounts
- Transactions
- Messages
- Smart Contracts
- Lab: Coding First Smart Contract
- Ethereum Virtual Function
- Why EVM
- State Transaction Function
- Native Currency / Asset: Ether
- Gas and Fee
- Turing Complete
- How it works
- Lab: Compile and Deploy Smart Contract
- Bitcoin VS Ethereum
- Ethereum Applications
- Platform for Decentralized Apps
- What is Decentralized App(DApps)
- Why Decentralized Apps(DApps)
- Compare DApps with Web Apps
- Lab: Dapps Sample Applications
- Solidity Programming
- Solidity Environment
- Programming Fundamentals
- Data Structures
- Lab: Solidity IDE
- Building Smart Contracts
- DAOs: Code is Law in Internet Court!
- Applications of Ethereum
- POC: Build your own ICO on Blockchain Platform
- Smart Contracts: Autonomous Agents
- What makes a contract “smart”?
- Smart Contracts Design Approach
- Types of Smart Contracts
- Smart Contracts Architecture
- Role of code in smart contract
- Solidity Deep Dive
- Dive in to code optimization-what is it??
- Testing and Debugging Options
- Memory Management
- Security Issues and How to handle them
- Lab: Solidity Smart Contracts
- Smart Contract Libraries
- Tokens
- ERC20 Standard
- POC: Creating your Own Currency
- Best Practices
- Lessons Learnt
- Smart Contracts: Framework and Toolset
- Truffle – Development Framework for Ethereum
- TestRPC
- Ganache CLI
- Metamask
- Lab: Online Smart Contracts
- Testing and Web3 Provider
- Web3.js-The Ethereum API
- Smart Contracts Testing Networks
- Unit Testing
- Integration Testing
- Truffle Solidity Tests
- Truffle Mocha Tests
- Additional Tools
- Best Practices
- Web1.0 and 2.0 Sofar,and Web 3.0 Now
- Web3.0 – What is Decentralized Apps
- Difference between Centralized,Decentralized and Distributed Applications
- Decentralized Data Storage Options
- Advantages and Disadvantages
- Data Structures,Algorithms and Protocols used by Dapps
- Distributed Storage Systems
- Swarm
- Storj
- Decentralized Communication
- Whisper
- Additional Tools
- Google Go(Geth)
- Mist
- Parity
- Test Nets
- Public VS Private
- Lab: Start your Private BlockChain
- Web 3.0-IPFS
- IPFS Fundamentals
- IPFS + Blockchains
- Blockchain Storage
- Lab: Quick Demo on IPFS
- Lab Build Your First Decentralized Application
- Setup Environment
- Develop First Dapp
- Getting to Know Hyperledger Projects:Dreams of Hyper Future
- How Hyperledger is different from Blockchains
- Architectural overview
- Hyperledger Projects
- Hyperledger Frameworks
- Hyperledger Tools
- Hyperledger Fabric
- What is Hyperledger Fabric
- Hyperledger Fabric Key Components
- Certification Authority
- Peers
- Membership Services
- Channels
- Chaincode
- How it works
- Lab: Quick Demo on Fabric
- Getting Your Hands on Hyperledger
- Hyperledger Composer
- Modeling Language
- Playground
- IBM Blockchain Introduction
- IBM Blockchain Fundametals
- Developer Toolset
- Playground
- Hands on IBM Blockchain
- Setup the environment
- Build first application
- Develop Blockchain Projects and Dapps
- Develop your Own Wallet App
- Develop Gaming Incentive App
- Develop Online Betting App
- Develop Enterprise Secure Smart Contracts
- Additional Resources for Developers