$ 21

The SAP FICA is one of the excellent industry-level solutions that are assisting organizations in improving customer relationship management (CRM) in lightning speed.Its key components provide extended facilities that include SAP bill direct.




  1. Introduction

FICA as Sub-ledger accounting system. Comparison with Standard Accounts

Receivables. Features of FICA as Applicable to SAP IS Utilities. The Life Cycle of Open items, Accounting Transactions, Master data

  1. Set up Organization Structure for a Utility Company that includes financial accounting, Logistics, Sales and Distribution, and Plant maintenance
  2. Organization Structure for FICA
  3. Master Data

Business partner, Contract accounts and Contracts

  1. Transactions and account Determination, Structure of Transactions,

Determination of GL accounts, Tax Determination, customization

  1. Documents in FICA

Document Type, Number Ranges, Posting of Documents, Clearing of Documents, Customization

  1. Accounting Balance display

Structure of the accounts balance, Display and Navigation Options, Customizing

  1. Incoming Payment

Cash journal/cash Desk, Payment Lot, Clarification processing, Credit Processing customization

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