- Introduction
FICA as Sub-ledger accounting system. Comparison with Standard Accounts
Receivables. Features of FICA as Applicable to SAP IS Utilities. The Life Cycle of Open items, Accounting Transactions, Master data
- Set up Organization Structure for a Utility Company that includes financial accounting, Logistics, Sales and Distribution, and Plant maintenance
- Organization Structure for FICA
- Master Data
Business partner, Contract accounts and Contracts
- Transactions and account Determination, Structure of Transactions,
Determination of GL accounts, Tax Determination, customization
- Documents in FICA
Document Type, Number Ranges, Posting of Documents, Clearing of Documents, Customization
- Accounting Balance display
Structure of the accounts balance, Display and Navigation Options, Customizing
- Incoming Payment
Cash journal/cash Desk, Payment Lot, Clarification processing, Credit Processing customization