Microsoft Azure SQL Database primer
The Azure SQL Database Architecture
Provisioning an Azure SQL Database
Connecting to and Querying the SQL Database from Server management Studio
Creating Resources
Differences between Azure SQL Database and SQL Server
Unsupported Features
Migrating a SQL Server Database to an Azure SQL Database
Finding the Migration Benefits
Finding the Blockers
Selecting a service Tier
Selecting a Migration Tool
DTU and Vcore Pricing Models
Scaling up the Azure SQL Database Service Tier
Choosing Between a vCore Pricing Model and DTU-based
Recommendation Based on CPU/IOPS/Log Utilization
introducing Elastic pools
When Should You Consider Elastic pools?
Backing Up Azure SQL Database
Automatic backups
Backup Storage
Backup Retention Period
Configuring Long-Term Backup Retention for Azure SQL Database
Manual backups
Backing up an Azure SQL Database Using SQL Server
Restoring an Azure SQL Database
Restore Types
Point-In-Time Restore
Long-Term Database Restore
Restoring Deleted Databases
Geo-Restore Database
Importing a Database
Securing an Azure SQL Database
Firewall Rules
Managing Server-Level Firewall Rules Using the Azure Portal
SQL Authentication Azure Active Directory Authentication
Server-Level and DB level Roles
High Availability and Disaster Recovery
High Availability & Disaster Recovery Introduction
Configuring Active Geo-Replicaton and Performing
Best Practices on HA & DA
Monitoring and Tuning Azure SQL Database
Monitoring an Azure SQL Database Using with Azure Portal
Query Performance Insight
Monitoring Queries Using with Query Performance
Monitoring an Azure SQL Database Using DMVs
Monitoring Database Metrics
Monitoring Connections
Monitoring query Performance
Monitoring Blocking
Extended Events
Automatic Tuning
Resume Preparation and Interview Tips
Resume Preparation and Interview Tips